
Stoney Lane – Promotion of Site for Residential Development

One of our long-standing clients owns a parcel of land adjacent to an existing settlement boundary which they wanted to explore the development potential of.

The site had several constraints in terms of its topography, therefore, ahead of promotion we wanted to ensure the site was suitable and capable of being developed for a residential use. Through careful master planning an illustrative layout demonstrated that the site was capable of accommodating circa 80 dwellings. The illustrative masterplan formed an integral part of the vision document which was produced and submitted to the Local Plan’s Call for Sites exercise.

The vision document was considered by the Council and the site was included within the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA). The SHELAA will inform the site selection process for sites chosen to be allocated in the Local Plan. The site will continue to be promoted throughout the Local Plan process and will hopefully be allocated for residential development in due course.