Station Road, Hayling Island
This scheme was for the redevelopment of a bungalow and car sales to 21 flats. The site had a long history of non-conforming uses, however, the mix of uses on site comprised commercial units and a car sales business. The Council viewed the existing commercial units as an important feature in the street scene and also raised concerns over the loss of existing commercial units on Hayling Island.
The proposed flats were designed to retain a presence and enhance the street scene through new high-quality residential development and an active frontage was provided to accommodate a shop/café or other use(s) which would attract both existing and future residents to use.
As the Council were concerned with the loss of existing commercial units on Hayling Island, discussions were had with the existing businesses to ensure that there were other premises, in some cases more suitable premises, on Hayling Island that the businesses could be successfully relocated to. The Council were satisfied with our approach and permission was granted for the residential scheme.