Rookery Farm - Site Promotion through the Local Plan Process
Southern Planning Practice were approached by Raymond Brown to promote a former inert waste recycling facility for allocation for new residential development through the Local Plan process. Representations were made on behalf of our client throughout the preparation of the emerging Local Plan to make the Council aware that the site was available, suitable and sustainable for a potential allocation.
Rookery Farm was proposed to be allocated as a residential development site in the Supplement to the Draft Local Plan in January 2020; however, it was subsequently removed as an allocation from the Regulation 19 Submission Version of the Local Plan due to unknown reasons.
Further representations were submitted to the Regulation 19 Submission Version of the Local Plan and Southern Planning Practice represented Raymond Brown at the Local Plan Examination Hearings to discuss matters on Housing Land Supply, Housing Need and proposed allocated sites.
At the time of writing (July 2022) further representations to additional topic papers have been submitted and the Local Plan process is ongoing.
If you have a site which you believe could be suitable for allocation through the Local Plan process please do contact us and we will provide a strategy.