Dsc 6348 2 Stretched


Itchen Abbas Grange

We were approached by a client to seek planning permission for a replacement dwelling. The existing dwelling was a poorly built 1970s house with several outbuildings. The proposed replacement dwelling sought to rationalise the development on site, reduce the spread of development and provide more useable amenity space around the new house.

Given the site's proximity to Listed Buildings and being located within a Conservation Area, careful consideration was given to both the siting and the design of the dwelling. A high-quality, sustainable traditional replacement dwelling was designed to respect and reflect the surrounding area. The replacement dwelling was repositioned to open up views of the neighbouring Listed Church to enhance this heritage asset. The replacement dwelling was also designed to be set back from the public footpath, the Itchen Way, to improve the visual enjoyment for users of the footpath. The Council supported the proposals and approved the application.