
East of West Dean Road, Winterslow

The site originally comprised several redundant agricultural buildings and the client wanted to seek to redevelop the site for residential use. This project involved a well thought out strategy to achieve the client’s aspirations.

Firstly, a Prior Approval application was prepared and submitted for the conversion of an existing agricultural building to three detached dwellings to confirm such a conversion could be carried out under Class Q of the General Permitted Development Order avoiding the need for a planning application. The Council confirmed that Prior Approval was not required in this instance the proposals were permitted development. Following the principle of the three detached dwellings being established, we then sought planning permission for three replacement dwellings which was accepted by the Council.

Further to the three replacement dwellings being approved, the redevelopment of the wider site was discussed with the Council. The Council thought a commercial use would not be appropriate on the site and instead suggested the redevelopment of the site for residential. Through discussions and careful design, 9 new dwellings were approved on the site.

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