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Ecology Services at Southern Planning Practice

Our in-house ecologist, Nikki Windebank, can provide technical assistance and ecological advice on planning projects.

Nikki is a qualified planning ecologist who has worked in development control for several local planning authorities and comes with insight into what is required of your applications. Through our in-house ecology services, we are able to ensure that ecological considerations can be fully incorporated into the design of your scheme from the beginning, creating meaningful and sustainable outcomes for biodiversity and delivering a successful outcome for your project.

Ecology - What We Do

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Almost all of both major and minor planning applications will require the submission of a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) as part of Local Authority requirements.

Our ecologist can visit your site and undertake a survey to identify any habitats on site with the potential to support protected species and provide details of any further survey work required where necessary.

Southern Planning Practice have experience of conducting Preliminary Ecological Appraisals in line with CIEEM guidelines to provide reports which meet the requirements of national and local planning policies, including for biodiversity enhancements.

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Since the beginning of 2024, Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) has become mandatory for the majority of planning applications. Our ecologist will identify if your site requires BNG and provide advice to minimise any biodiversity loss, as well as guide you through the appropriate mitigation and compensation requirements.

Our ecologist is trained in the principles of BNG and using the BNG Metric for reports. We have extensive experience of liasing with local ecologists, planners and architects to develop biodiversity enhancement measures that are sustainable, feasible and appropriate to the scale of your development.

Local Planning Authorities can issue a condition alongside planning permission that requires a Biodiversity Gain Plan Form to be submitted. This can be completed by our ecologist, which evidences how the required BNG has been calculated and how it will be delivered.

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In line with evolving guidance, we can now produce a Habitat Management & Monitoring Plan. This can be part of your application submission or as a post-planning permission document.

Our ecologist will work with you and the project team to create a management document that will ensure a sustainable and implementable site management and monitoring regime, to be successful in the long-term and meet your project goals. This is often submitted concurrently with the Biodiversity Gain Plan.

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At Southern Planning Practice, we have a strong understanding of the legal framework on protected species, along with national and local policies. We know which types of surveys are needed and when they must be carried out with regard to season, which helps to avoid potential delays to your project.

Protected species are protected within European and/or UK law, dependent on the species. It is important to assess if your development could affect a protected species, as you may be asked for a survey to support your planning application.

Where works will adversely impact upon a protected species a license may be required before works can commence, including any vegetative clearance.